Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Moodle: Massive Open Online Design of Learning and Education

On my last full day in Perth I dropped in to visit Moodle HQ. Few realize that the globally used free open source e-learning software Moodle, was developed in Perth, Australia. Moodle creator, Martin Dougiamas, was kind enough to show me around, back in Perth between his many trips top e-leaning events. We discussed the future of e-leaning and of Moodle (which I use to teach at ANU and the Australian Computer Society). I am not sure we came to any conclusions, except that adapting Moodle Mobile using HTML was a better idea that trying to produce an "App" and that it would be better for universities to continue to incorporate e-learning generally than try to set up a new on-line university. One suggestion I made was to provide training in educational techniques alongside the training for Moodle software. This could be reasonably general with the same techniques being applied from school to postgraduate university.

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