Innovation ACT has a format similar other "start-up" competitions. Teams attend presentations and workshops to learn how to prepare a pitch and business plan and then compete in various stages, winning prizes. The Innovation ACT competition broke with tradition by having only two short speeches at the launch. Most of the time was taken up with a short pitch competition. The first two were "InGiv" and "Butterfly Effect", proposing companies to assist social enterprise (that is non-profit organisations). There seems to be a lot of innovations with start-up companies offering services to non-profit organisations. The third Tradesmin was for small trades companies (an example of re-intermediation). Bio-Mine was offering authenticated electronic documents (I could not see how this was different to the Digitary certificates issued by ANU). BeeHub was to offer FAQs for university students. "Swap" was a barter system and "Hidden Talent" an online art gallery. The Winners were: 1. Bio-Mine; 2. Tradesmin; 3. InGive and BeeHub.
ps: There are also some free online courses (MOOC), on innovation, such as:
ps: There are also some free online courses (MOOC), on innovation, such as:
- "Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?" (MIT, edX),
- "Social Entrepreneurship" (University of Pennsylvania, Coursera)
- "Innovation and Enterprise" (Loughborough University, Futurelearn).
- "Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The 1st Step in Entrepreneurship" (University of Maryland,Coursera)
"Entrepreneurship and Family Business" (RMIT, Open2Study)
"Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies" (CaseWestern Reserve University, Coursera)
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