A free on-line course "
Open Educational Resources: A Continuum for Practice" is being offered by the Australian National University (ANU), starting Monday. This is in the
ANU Online Coffee Course Series, where the student spends fifteen minutes a day studying for a week. There are no tests, just on-line discussion.
"In this upcoming course, you’ll explore some of the deeper issues
surrounding open education; specifically, practical decisions and
questions that should be asked when developing, reusing, and
collaborating on open education activities. Each day the facilitators
will provide stimulus for reflection and group discussion, as well as a
synthesis of the previous days’ discussion."
- From Resources to Practice: why ‘mere access’ isn’t enough.
- ‘I’ll know it when I see it’, or, usefully defining quality in openness.
- Assessment in an open world: beyond the disposable assignment.
- Designing for reuse: PDF and the open practitioner.
- ‘Nothing new’ or radical reality? Putting openness into practice.
Adrian Stagg, Manager (Open Educational Practice) for the University
of Southern Queensland.
Emma Power, research assistant for the Pro-Vice Chancellor’s Office (SILS), at
the University of Southern Queensland.
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