Australia and India can cooperate on e-learning to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals to:

Seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".
UN SDG 4, General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 17, 2015.
General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 17, 2015.

SDG 17: "Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing ..."
General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 26, 2015.

“Supporting the mobility of students ... Sharing best practice education materials ... Supporting skills development ...”
(2015, August 24). Memorandum of understanding Between the Government of Australia and The Government of the Republic of India on Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Training and Research. Retrieved from
Align courses to Australian AITSL teaching standards
Deliver to smart phones using off-the-shelf free open access learning management system
- Train teachers in technology
- Further understanding between the nations
- Provide new education export industry for Australia
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
"... end poverty ... protect the planet ... ensure prosperity for all ... foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies ... based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity ..."UN General Assembly resolution 70/17, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A /RES/70/1 (21 October 2015). Retrieved from
Quality Education
UN SDG 4, General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 17, 2015.
General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 17, 2015.
Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 17: "Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing ..."
General Assembly resolution 70/17, p. 26, 2015.
India-Australia Cooperation on Education
“Supporting the mobility of students ... Sharing best practice education materials ... Supporting skills development ...”
(2015, August 24). Memorandum of understanding Between the Government of Australia and The Government of the Republic of India on Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Training and Research. Retrieved from
Australia Free E-Learning Materials
- Engaging India, edX Course from ANU in English and Hindi
- Digital technology, courses for teachers, from University of Adelaide and Google
Australian Curriculum Technologies
National Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum for all schools was endorsed 18 September 2015
- Thousands of teachers need to be trained
- Free Digital Curriculum Course for Teachers by University of Adelaide and Google
Four Colombo Plans
- Colombo Plan, 1951: Western nations Cold War strategy against USSR, during which 20,000 university students from region educated in Australia (Oakman, p. 3, 2010).
- Virtual Colombo Plan, 2001: $230M from Australian Government to support of DE programs based in developing countries, including the African Virtual University (Wolff, p.25, 2002).
- New Colombo Plan, 2013: $100M for scholarships over five years to send Australian students to study in Indo-Pacific universities (New Colombo Plan Secretariat, 2013).
- Digital Colombo Plan, 2015: AARnet proposal for fibre-optic link to region's educational institutions and for direct e-learning (AARnet, 2015).
Propose Certificate Programs for Indian Teachers
Combine CSER course content with ANU multi-cultural techniques to create on-line courses for the Digital Technologies to teachers of the Indo-Pacific region, starting with Australia and India.Align courses to Australian AITSL teaching standards
Deliver to smart phones using off-the-shelf free open access learning management system
(2015, August 24). Memorandum of
understanding Between the Government of Australia and The Government of
the Republic of India on Cooperation in the Fields of Education,
Training and Research. Retrieved from
AARnet. (2015, May 29). Draft National Strategy for International Education : AARNet Submission. Retrieved from
New Colombo Plan Secretariat. (2013). New Colombo Plan: Guidelines Scholarship Program. Canberra:Australian Government. Retrieved from
Oakman, D. (2010). Facing Asia: a history of the Colombo Plan (p. 323). ANU Press. Retrieved from
UN General
Assembly resolution 70/17, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, A /RES/70/1 (21 October 2015). Retrieved from
Wolff, L. (2002). The African Virtual University: the challenge of higher education development in sub-Saharan Africa. TechKnowLogia, International Journal of Technologies for the Advancement of Knowledge and Learning, 4(2). Retrieved from
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